Which Transmission Type is Right for You in Jefferson City, TN

Discover Which Transmission Type Fits Your Driving Style

There are several car transmission types, each having its unique perks and quirks. This guide explores the four most popular transmission types: manual, automatic, continuously variable transmission (CVT), and semi-automatic. Knowing the different transmission types is crucial for making a smart choice when shopping for your next set of wheels.

Manual Transmission

Manual transmission is the oldest type of transmission. It has been around for more than a century. It has been called different names throughout the years, including manual, standard, and stick shift. The popularity of manual transmissions has waned since the introduction of automatic transmissions. Today, only a few car models in the U.S. are being made with this gearbox type. Many modern drivers don’t even know how to drive a manual.

Apart from being the oldest, manual transmission is also the simplest. Switching between gears only uses a gear selector and a mechanical clutch. Despite being replaced by the automatic transmission as the predominant transmission system, a stick shift still offers several advantages for drivers.

If you want to save money on car repairs, you should consider getting a car with a manual transmission. This is because a manual gearbox is cheaper to repair and maintain than its automatic counterparts. Manual transmission is also ideal for drivers who want full control of their vehicles. Some drivers also feel that vehicles with a manual transmission are more engaging to drive.

Automatic Transmission

Automatic transmission is the most popular type of transmission. Many drivers choose automatic over manual because it makes driving effortless. With an automatic, you don't need to shift gears manually. It changes gears as the car moves, allowing you to enjoy the ride and easily arrive at your destination.

This transmission type uses clutches, a planetary gearset, and a torque converter. It typically provides three driving modes: park, reverse, neutral, drive, and low. These are represented by the familiar PRNDL options on the gear shift. To start driving an automatic vehicle, all you need to do is select the drive, reverse, or low, and step on the gas. An automatic transmission's simplicity is why even inexperienced drivers quickly get the hang of it.

The advantages of automatic transmission come with setbacks, though. Because it's a complex system, an automatic transmission can be quite costly to repair. An automatic also doesn't give you the same kind of control over your vehicle that a manual provides. This can potentially impact your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)

Many people think that a continuously variable transmission (CVT) is the same as an automatic transmission. But it's not. CVTs don't have gears. Instead, they operate using a belt and pulley system. This transmission type comes with sensors that provide information to a computer inside the vehicle. The belt and pulley ratios are automatically adjusted based on the input.

Among the different transmission types, CVTs offer unmatched fuel economy. Since a computer controls speed changes in a CVT, your engine will always run at an optimal level, ensuring fuel efficiency.

Gear shifts are almost always smooth with CVTs, with no delay. Compared to an automatic transmission, CVTs are cheaper and easier to repair when they break down. Complaints about CVTs are mostly subjective. They mostly come from drivers who miss the driving authenticity that a manual transmission offers.

Semi-Automatic Transmission

A semi-automatic transmission combines the hands-on appeal of a manual with the comforts of an automatic. Like manual transmission, a semi-automatic uses a mechanical clutch to change gears. The difference is that a semi-automatic doesn't have a clutch pedal, so the driver can't control the clutch's action. Electronic, hydraulic, and pneumatic controls handle the speed changes. Drivers can automatically shift gears using buttons or paddle shifters.

Race car drivers and performance car enthusiasts favor semi-automatic transmissions. The main disadvantage of this transmission type is that it is expensive to repair and maintain.

Shop Your Next Vehicle at Tarr Chevrolet

With the knowledge of the most popular types of transmissions, you're now ready to make an informed choice on which transmission is ideal for you. Visit Tarr Chevrolet in Jefferson City, TN, if you're shopping for a new vehicle. Our dedicated team is ready to help you select a vehicle that meets your transmission preferences and requirements.